Monday, October 12, 2009


Welcome homeschool moms and dads—all of you warriors who daily rise only to fall immediately to your knees and beg for the grace to unravel the mysteries of Algebra, Cubism, dangling participles or the French Revolution and somehow weave them into the fabric of your children. All this while preparing them for life in the world and molding God-fearing men and women.
We want you to feel like this is your place—to drop in when you need advice, practical ideas, encouragement, or just a place to vent. Consider this the place where you don’t have to be perfect or have all of the answers.
Just threatened to throw all of your kids’ school books in the recycle bin?
We’ve been there.
Just endured a family dinner where the topic of discussion was homeschooled kids people had heard ended up as homeless crack heads?
Been there, too.
Just spent the entire day trying to remember how to subtract fractions?
We understand.
We’re here to listen to you,
cry with you,
laugh with you,
and, Lord willing, help out a little.
Homeschooling is not for cowards—nor is it for lone rangers!
We’re here for you.
And we’re ready to hear from you—what you’re struggling with, what you have questions about, where you’ve had victory. Tell us what topics you would like us to discuss here.


  1. I'm adding my welcome to Shelly's! Today we'd love to have you introduce yourselves here in the comment section and let us know where you are in your homeschool journey. Just thinking about it? Veterans? Or anywhere in between.

    Let us know who you are and topics you're most interested in.

    We have some special Fridays lined up with guest bloggers, interviews, and humor.

  2. This looks like so much fun! What an encouragement!


  3. Thanks, Lana. We hope you'll join in the fun. Don't forget about the contest mentioned in the sidebar!
