Monday, November 9, 2009

Spiritual Refreshment Part 2

As I promised last week—your list of spiritual refreshments. I hope you don’t need them today, but just in case, here they are……….
• The Bible is full of cool drinks of new perspective. I had Scripture verses that I knew helped me get through rough days printed and posted in our family room/school room. Sometimes I would take a break and the children and I would read appropriate Scripture together.
• Call a homeschool buddy. If you don’t have someone you can call anytime, someone who understands you, loves you and encourages your homeschooling, ask the Father to bring you that special person.
• Call your husband. He knows you and what you might be up against with your little darlings. If he is free to get calls during the day, ask him to pray for you.
• Play some Christian music. Not only will it help you to focus on the great God who called you to this precious work, but the soothing quality of music often calms the most difficult situation.
• I kept a list of the best things I saw in my children and added to it frequently. When I got frustrated (and I did that often), I would refer to that list and see my children in a new way.
• I also kept a list of the weaknesses I saw in my children, complete with corresponding Bible verses. When these weaknesses threatened to overwhelm me, I remembered I had put them before the Lord earlier that morning.
• Take a deep breath.
• Take a walk around the block.
• Take a long look into the eyes of each of your babies and thank God for the privilege of being their mommy and their teacher. Then hug them. (No matter how ornery they’ve been!)

Peaceful homeschooling!